Ananda Yoga and Wellness Center - Yoga, Chiropractic, Acupuncture
Welcome Workshops

Autumn Yin Yoga Workshop


Autumn Yin Yoga Workshop

Sunday September 22nd

1:00 - 3:00

$60 early resveration $65 day of event


Becky Rosko


The first day of Fall... A great way to find balance & harmony amid the autumn winds, this workshop will focus on yin postures, reiki & sound. A great workshop for inspiring new ideas, working through emotional wounds or simply having a mini retreat with self. Becky guides you into yin shapes allowing them to release tension deeper in the body and access a space of being rather than doing. In this very therapeutic practice postures are held for 3-5 minutes which allows the connective tissue in the body to open more effectively. Throughout the practice Becky will offer reiki to help guide students deeper into relaxation so that a release naturally occurs in the body and mind. This introspective practice will allow students to be present with emotions and experience how and where they manifest in the body. Through breath and relaxation we can reset the nervous system, allowing for a decrease in stress, anxiety and fatigue.

Yin Yoga focuses on slowly and mindfully entering poses and holding those poses for longer periods of time. Yin encourages the use of breath to stimulate energy within the body, while remaining focused on the sensations from each pose. Yin Yoga poses apply moderate stress to the connective tissues, aiming at increasing circulation and improving flexibility.


Restorative Yoga Retreat




With Mary Angela

Saturday October 19th

2:00 - 4:00

$60 in advance  $65 day of retreat


Restorative yoga is suitable for practitioners of all levels.

It is a restful practice that holds the yoga poses for a longer duration using

props so that the body can completely rest safely.

The benefits are many;

reduces stress and anxiety

improves sleep patterns

calms nervous system

strenthens immune system

a elevated feeling of emotiona wellbeing

helpful for musculoskeletal pain or discomfort

quiets the mind


Come and enjoy the benefits



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